Max Remote - Computer for PC

Max Remote - Computer for PC

Turn your Android device into a WiFi universal remote for your computer.

Max Remote - Computer pc screenshot 1Max Remote - Computer pc screenshot 1Max Remote - Computer pc screenshot 1

If you're interested in using Max Remote - Computer on your PC or Mac, you may be wondering how to download the app and get started. Fortunately, there are many resources available online that can guide you through the process similar to this article.

Max Remote - Computer: The Ultimate App for Remote Control

Are you tired of constantly getting up to control your computer or game? Look no further than Max Remote - Computer, the perfect app that allows you to control your PC or laptop right from your Android device. With its portable server and customizable features, this app provides a seamless and convenient remote control experience.

A Customizable Remote Control at Your Fingertips

Max Remote - Computer offers a unique feature that allows you to create a custom remote with a touchpad that always appears, just like the "browser" remote. Imagine having the power to control your computer with ease, whether you're browsing the web or playing games. Additionally, the app also provides analog mouse control, making your remote control experience even more immersive and enjoyable.

Enhanced Gaming Experience

One of the standout features of Max Remote - Computer is its ability to transform your Android device into a durable joystick. If you love playing games on your laptop or PC, this app is a game-changer. It allows you to play multiplayer games that do not support multiplayer using a keyboard. Say goodbye to the need for key mapping and hello to endless gaming possibilities.

Seamless Installation and Easy Customization

Installing Max Remote - Computer is a breeze. Whether you're using it on your phone or PC, the installation process is quick and easy. While some customization may be required, the app provides all the necessary tools to make the setup process hassle-free. With just a few simple steps, you'll be ready to take full control of your computer or laptop.

Positive User Experiences

Don't just take our word for it. Users have been raving about Max Remote - Computer. One user mentioned how they initially had trouble with the connection but found a workaround by using Shareit to connect their phone and laptop. Once connected, they were able to enjoy an awesome gaming experience with games like Guilty Gear. Another user expressed their excitement about being able to play 2-player games on their PC, finally proving to their brother who the true winner is.

Furthermore, many users have praised the app for its seamless integration with PC emulators, allowing them to control their favorite games with ease. The convenience of being able to control their laptop connected to a TV without having to get up has also been a major highlight for movie lovers.


Q: Why does the app crash when trying to create a custom gamepad?

A: Some users have reported that the app crashes when attempting to create a custom gamepad. We recommend reaching out to the app's support team for assistance in resolving this issue.

Q: How can I troubleshoot the motion steering issue in racing mode?

A: If you're experiencing issues with the motion steering not working in the game controller's racing mode, it could be due to a configuration error. Make sure you have properly assigned the keys and consult the app's troubleshooting guide for further assistance.

Q: Can I use an Xbox 360 controller with Max Remote - Computer?

A: Unfortunately, the app does not currently support the Xbox 360 controller. However, there are various other controllers available that provide a seamless experience with Max Remote - Computer.

Max Remote - Computer is the ultimate app for remote control enthusiasts. With its customizable features, enhanced gaming experience, and seamless installation, it has become a favorite among users. Don't let the hate deter you - give it a try and discover the convenience of controlling your computer or laptop with ease.

How to install Max Remote - Computer app for Windows 10 / 11

Installing the Max Remote - Computer app on your Windows 10 or 11 computer requires the use of an Android emulator software. Follow the steps below to download and install the Max Remote - Computer app for your desktop:

Step 1:

Download and install an Android emulator software to your laptop

To begin, you will need to download an Android emulator software on your Windows 10 or 11 laptop. Some popular options for Android emulator software include BlueStacks, NoxPlayer, and MEmu. You can download any of the Android emulator software from their official websites.

Step 2:

Run the emulator software and open Google Play Store to install Max Remote - Computer

Once you have installed the Android emulator software, run the software and navigate to the Google Play Store. The Google Play Store is a platform that hosts millions of Android apps, including the Max Remote - Computer app. You will need to sign in with your Google account to access the Google Play Store.

After signing in, search for the Max Remote - Computer app in the Google Play Store. Click on the Max Remote - Computer app icon, then click on the install button to begin the download and installation process. Wait for the download to complete before moving on to the next step.

Step 3:

Setup and run Max Remote - Computer on your computer via the emulator

Once the Max Remote - Computer app has finished downloading and installing, you can access it from the Android emulator software's home screen. Click on the Max Remote - Computer app icon to launch the app, and follow the setup instructions to connect to your Max Remote - Computer cameras and view live video feeds.

To troubleshoot any errors that you come across while installing the Android emulator software, you can visit the software's official website. Most Android emulator software websites have troubleshooting guides and FAQs to help you resolve any issues that you may come across.